The following series of commentaries are frequently consulted by LTSS students. Remember, though, it’s always good to check with your professor. Some commentaries are available in reference. Some commentaries are together as a set, but others are scattered throughout the collection. Use the online catalog to identify commentaries and obtain call numbers. (Instructions follow.)
Abingdon New Testament Commentaries (also available online through Ministry Matters via Lineberger Library website)
Abingdon Old Testament Commentaries (also available online through Ministry Matters via Lineberger Library website)
The Anchor Bible Commentary Series
Anchor Bible Dictionary
Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture (14 vols. OT, 12 vols. NT, Apocrypha)
Augsburg Commentary on the New Testament
Blackwell Bible Commentaries
Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible
Exegetical Guide to the Greek New Testament (NEW!)
Fortress Biblical Preaching Commentaries (also as ebooks through the Summon link on the library website)
Hermeneia Commentary (also as ebooks through the Summon link on the library website)
India Commentary on the New Testament (ICNT) (NEW!)
Interpretation Commentary Series (John Knox)
JPS Torah Commentary
New Collegeville Bible Commentary. Old Testament (also as ebooks through the Summon link on the library website)
New International Biblical Commentary
The New International Commentary on the New Testament
The New International Commentary on the Old Testament
New International Greek Testament Commentary
New Interpreters’ Bible (12 volume set)
New Interpreter's Dictionary
New Testament Library - WJKP (NEW!)
The Old Testament Library
Paideia Commentaries on the New Testament
Reformation Commentary on Scripture (NEW!)
Sacra Pagina
Smyth & Helwys Bible Commentary (also as ebooks through the Summon link on the library website)
Two Horizons New Testament Commentary (NEW!)
Two Horizons Old Testament Commentary (NEW!)
Wisdom Commentary (feminist biblical scholarship from Liturgical Press) (NEW!)
Word Biblical Commentary