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Lineberger Memorial Collection

Book Donation Policy

Book Donations
The Lineberger Memorial Library does not accept donations of books and other materials from personal libraries. Increasingly, the library team finds fewer books among donations that can be added to the library collection. 
The library is grateful for the generosity of past donors!

Unless your books are in like-new condition, most places will not accept them. Like-new condition means no writing or highlighting inside, no dog-eared or ripped pages, no other damage, and no mildew or mold. Most places will not take old textbooks. If your books are not in like-new condition, it is okay to recycle them! Books, like many other items we purchase throughout our lives, have a life cycle.

For your convenience, below is a list of local and national organizations that may be willing to take book donations. We suggest calling before taking your books to any of these places.
Columbia, SC Area
Ed’s Editions
His House Ministries  
Better World Books
Lexington County Library Friends of the Library (contact your local branch for details)
Richland Library (contact your local branch for details)

Better World Books

Theological Book Network, Inc.

International Book Project, Inc.
Stevens Gallery & Framing
United for Libraries
Women’s Prison Book Project
Archival Materials 
James R. Crumley Jr. Archives, A Region 9 ELCA Ministry

If you have biographical information on Lutheran pastors, call letters, clergy correspondence, sermons, manuscripts, photos, or other historical documents that may be of interest to the Crumley Archives, please contact them directly. The Archives also houses some artifacts such as battlefield communion sets, objects brought home from missionary tours, and church dioramas.