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Finding Data and Statistics


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Dawn Behrend
Carl A. Rudisill Library
Room 116
Lenoir-Rhyne University
Hickory, NC 28630

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Welcome! This guide will assist you in locating data and statistics. This guide covers differentiating data and statistics, citing data and statistics, and locating statistics locally, nationally, and globally. Additionally, this guide will assist you in finding data and statistics commonly used in business and economics. Several websites are also recommended for finding data and statistics for a variety of purposes. 

Using This Guide

Use the left navigation panel to explore the various features of the research process:

Data vs. Statistics: This section will assist you in understanding the differences between data and statistics and how to decide which to use.

Using and Citing Statistics: This section will assist in you in evaluating statistical information and how to appropriately cite such information.

United States Statistics: This section provides recommended sources of general statistical information as well as statistics provided by various government agencies in the U.S.

North Carolina Statistics: This section provides sources of statistical information specific to N.C.

International Statistics: This sections provides sources of international statistical information.

Business and Economics: This section provides sources of data and statistics specific to business and economics.

Additional Web Resources: This section provides websites that are useful for a variety of data and statistical needs.