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Undergraduate Research

This LibGuide will provide an overview of the research process, finding and evaluating information, and appropriate use of citation for undergraduate students completing a research project.


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Dawn Behrend
Carl A. Rudisill Library
Room 116
Lenoir-Rhyne University
Hickory, NC 28630

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Welcome! This guide will assist you as you move through the research process as an undergraduate student. This guide covers the research process in general, so be sure to also check the subject specific guides to discover the best information resources for your topic. Questions? Use the chat box below, or contact me - you can find my contact information to the left.

Using This Guide

Use the left navigation panel to explore the various features of the research process:

The Research Process:   This section provides you with information on creating a thesis statement or hypothesis and the steps of the research process. 

Finding Information: This section explains how to find articles, books, websites, and primary vs. secondary sources.

Evaluating Information: This section explains how to critically evaluation information ,distinguish scholarly vs. popular articles, and  differentiate primary vs. secondary sources.

Annotated Bibliography: This section has information on how to write an annotated bibliography/

Literature Review:  This section  explains the guidelines of conducting a literature review.

Citing Your Sources:  This section provides citation style guides and clarifies how to avoid plagiarism.


Using Resources From Off-Campus

Most library databases and online resources may be accessed by using your LRU Network ID and Password, same as you use for the Portal.

At this writing, however, some of our resources still require the "old style" logon.  If you click on a database link and see a "proxy" screen which includes the words "Appalachian College Association," you will be asked to provide a user name and password/barcode. Follow these instructions, just below.

username: your last name

password: "lr" + your ID card number deleting any leading zeros.

Example: if your ID number is 000654321, your password would be -- lr654321A