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Master of Arts Writing (MAW)

Asheville Graduate Center-based degree program helps you take your writing to the next level

Off-Campus Access

If you are off-campus and link to licensed resources, you will see our proxy screen which includes the words "Appalachian College Association." Your username and password are as follows:

Username = your last name
Password = your ID card number*, 
replacing any leading zeros with the letters lr

For full instruction, visit our Off-Campus Password page.

Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

Can't find it here? Don't worry! Interlibrary loan (ILL) can deliver it to you electronically.

Click here for more information!

Your Librarian

Profile Photo
Dawn Behrend
Carl A. Rudisill Library
Room 122
Lenoir Rhyne University
Hickory, NC 28630

WorldCat Discovery

Library Catalog

Use WorldCat Discovery to start your search.  It will return results for books, ebooks, articles, and multimedia resources.

When searching use more general search terms than you would when searching a database of journal articles. For example, do a SUBJECT search on "creative writing" to see the many subjects and entries listed under each.