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Resources to help you get started answering your physics and astronomy related questions.

Search the LR Catalog for Books, Ebooks, DVDs and More

Renew Your Items

Renew your items from the comfort of your own computer. 

Your username: your last name
Your password: "lr" plus your ID card number omitting any leading zeros
Example: if your ID number is 000654321, your password/barcode would be -- lr654321

Library Catalog

Search the online catalog for books, DVDs, e-books, audio books, etc. searching use more general search terms than you would when searching a database of journal articles. For example, do a SUBJECT search on physics to see the many subjects and entries listed under each. 

When you find an item that looks useful, check the subject headings.

Also, it may be useful to click on the call number in the record. This allows you to virtually browse the titles as though you were standing in the stacks, except you'll also see any e-books in the collection. 

Virtual Reference Desk

Need some background information to help decide on a topic? Have you read an article and are confused on the lingo? Reference works, both print and online, will help you get started with your research.  Here are some online reference databases you may find useful.