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Recommended databases and resources to assist you in your research.

Accessing & Searching the R2 Digital Library

Renew Your Items

Renew your items from the comfort of your own computer. 

Your username: your last name
Your password: "lr" plus your ID card number omitting any leading zeros
Example: if your ID number is 000654321, your password/barcode would be -- lr654321

Library Catalog

R2 Digital Library

Search the R2 Digital Library to access content from a comprehensive selection of medical, nursing and allied health ebooks.  Print, email and save content from your search. 

McGraw-Hill Medical Ebooks

McGraw-Hill Medical is a comprehensive online medical resource that includes core medical textbooks, videos, diagnostic tools and self-assessment resources. It consists of 4 subject collections--

AccessEmergency Medicine 

Set up a free MyAccess profile to allow off campus access and complete access to review and self-assessment tools. Print, email and save content from your search.